デジタル変革の深化を目指しEdge Computing Consortiumを設立
Updated by Kyodo News PR Wire(プレスリリース) on December 2, 2016, 05:19 am JST
Updated by Kyodo News PR Wire(プレスリリース) on December 2, 2016, 05:19 am JST
AsiaNet 66724 (1556)
【北京2016年11月30日 PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Edge Computing Consortium(ECC)が11月30日、ファーウェイ(Huawei、華為技術)、Shenyang Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences(中国科学院瀋陽自動化研究所)、China Academy of Information and Communications Technology(CAICT、中国信息通信研究院)、インテル、ARM、およびiSoftStoneにより正式に共同設立された。
写真 – http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20161130/0861612888
(キャプション:Edge Computing Consortiumが正式に設立)
2016 Edge Computing Industrial SummitでのECC創立式典では、ECCの白書もリリースされた。白書はエッジコンピューティング業界の動向と大きな課題を強調し、エッジコンピューティングの定義と内容を詳細に述べ、ECCのトップレベルのデザインと運用モデルを示し、ECCの将来の発展を導くリファレンスアーキテクチャーとエッジコンピューティングの技術的枠組みを説明している。
ソース:Edge Computing Consortium(ECC)
Edge Computing Consortium is Established to Deepen Digital Transformation
BEIJING, Nov. 30, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ —
Today, the Edge Computing Consortium (ECC) was officially established in
Beijing, China. This initiative was jointly created by Huawei Technologies Co.,
Ltd., Shenyang Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), Intel
Corporation, ARM, and iSoftStone.
Photo – http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20161130/0861612888
(Caption: The Edge Computing Consortium is Officially Established)
The ECC aims to build a cooperative platform for the edge computing industry
that will give impetus to openness and collaboration in the Operational
Technology (OT) and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industries,
nurtures industrial best practices, and stimulates the healthy and sustainable
development of edge computing.
Today’s global digital revolution is driving a new round of industrial
restructuring. Through the digital transformation of industries, products are
incorporated into intelligent interconnection. In-depth coordination and
convergence of OT and ICT help improve industrial automation, meet the
customized requirements of products and services, promote full-lifecycle
transformation from products to service operations, and trigger the innovation
of products, services, and business models. This will have a lasting impact on
the value chain, supply chain, and ecosystem.
Yu Haibin, Chairman of the ECC and Director of Shenyang Institute of
Automation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said, "In the 13th Five Year Plan,
China launched two national strategies, integration of digitization and
industrialization, as well as ‘Made in China 2025’. This requires much on ICT
and OT convergence. Edge Computing is key to supporting and enabling this
convergence. Meanwhile, industrial development is also facing a turning point.
"Industrial automation technology systems will evolve from layered architecture
and information silos to IoT, cloud computing, and Big Data analytics
architecture. Amidst the evolution, edge computing will bolster distributed
industrial automatic self-control architecture. Therefore, the ECC will keep an
eye on the design of the architecture and the choice of technical roadmap, as
well as promoting industrial development through standardization. In addition,
building an ecosystem will also be focused," continued Yu Haibin.
The ECC is in pursuit of the OICT concept that OT, information technology (IT),
and communications technology (CT) resources should integrate and coordinate
with each other, and stick to the spirit of consensus, unity, and win-win
cooperation, to drive forward the ECC’s healthy development. The ECC strives to
advance cooperation among industry resources from government, vendors,
academics, research, and customer sectors.
The Edge Computing Consortium’s White Paper was also released at the 2016 Edge
Computing Industrial Summit, during the ECC’s launch ceremony. It puts emphasis
on the edge computing industry’s trends and major challenges, elaborates on the
definition and content of edge computing, displays the ECC’s top-level design
and operational model, and formulates the reference architecture and
technological framework of edge computing, guiding the ECC’s future development.
SOURCE: Edge Computing Consortium (ECC)
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