Updated by Kyodo News PR Wire(プレスリリース) on December 6, 2016, 15:40 pm JST
Updated by Kyodo News PR Wire(プレスリリース) on December 6, 2016, 15:40 pm JST
AsiaNet 66787
ヘルモント(オランダ)、2016年12月5日/PRニュースワイヤー/ —
アプラス・イディアダ(Applus IDIADA)とタス・インターナショナル(TASS International)は本日、コネクテッド自動運転車向け次世代試験場を合同で設計、管理するグローバル契約を発表しました。両社の専門知識を一つにし、今後は自動化したコネクテッド運転試験施設向けの完璧な解決策を提供します。
(ロゴ: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20161202/445093LOGO )
両者が共同で行う最初のプロジェクトの一つは、米国ミシガン州イプシランティ・タウンシップ、ウィロー・ランのアメリカン・センター・フォー・モビリティ(American Center for Mobility)で、これはコネクテッド自動運転車の技術の安全検証と自己認証ができるようにし、また自主基準の開発を加速化するよう設計された、未来のモビリティのための非営利の試験・教育・製品開発施設です。
「両社が力を合わせれば、世界の自動車業界と各国政府が共同で高度に自動化した車両の導入を加速化し、最終的には認証に至る一助になるであろうことを確信しております」・・・タス・インターナショナルCEO、Jan van den Oetelaar
25年以上の歴史を持つアプラス・イディアダ(Applus+ IDIADA)は、世界中の自動車業界に設計、試験、エンジニアリング、認証サービスを提供するエンジニアリング企業のトップです。イディアダには、28か国以上から集まった車両開発専門のエンジニアが2100人以上います。スペイン、バルセロナ近郊に拠点を置く同社にはまた、25か国に子会社と支社の国際的ネットワークがあります。
10年以上の歴史を持つタス・インターナショナルは、より安全でよりハイテクの車両を作るための高度なシミュレーションツールと開発サービスを輸送産業に提供しています。タス・インターナショナルは、オランダで高度道路交通システム(Intelligent Transport Systems)と協調走行技術の開発、試験、検証の専用施設を運営しています。同社のソフトウェアのブランドであるマディモ(MADYMO)、プレスキャン(PreScan)、デルフトタイヤ(Delft-Tyre)は、OEMやサプライヤーにとって馴染みのある名前です。オランダに拠点を置くタス・インターナショナルは、世界中のローカルオフィスを通じて世界の産業を支援しています。
Susana Sanjuan – ssanjuan@kreab.com
電話. +34 917027170 // 携帯. +34677946805
Francisco Calderon – fcalderon@kreab.com
電話. +34 917027170 // 携帯. +34 654642160
Applus IDIADA & TASS International Join Forces to Globally Design and Manage Next-Generation Test Sites for Connected and Automated Vehicles
HELMOND, Netherlands, Dec. 5 / PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ —
Applus IDIADA and TASS International today announced a global agreement to
jointly design and manage next-generation test sites for connected and
automated vehicles. With the combined expertise, both organisations now provide
a complete solution for automated and connected driving test facilities.
Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20161202/445093LOGO
The development of connected and automated vehicles requires new design and
validation methodologies as well as new tools. Key requirements for these
innovations include dedicated closed test environments where new technologies
can be developed and validated before being deployed on public roads. As a
result of this alliance, the automotive, the communication and the IT
industries will benefit from the combined expertise of both companies.
Applus IDIADA offers the know-how in testing and development of connected
and automated vehicles and more than 20 years’ experience in designing and
managing proving grounds.
TASS International, with a long history on vehicle safety applications,
provides the integrated tool suite that covers the development methodology for
connected and automated vehicles from simulation to hardware validation.
One of the first projects in which both companies will be working together
is at the American Center for Mobility at Willow Run, Ypsilanti Twp., Michigan
(USA) which is a non-profit testing, education and product development facility
for future mobility, designed to enable safe validation and self-certification
of connected and automated vehicle technology, and to accelerate the
development of voluntary standards.
‘This is a step forward in our strategy to become a global leading partner
in supporting our customers in the challenges that the development of these new
technologies are presenting’
Carles Grasas, CEO, Applus IDIADA
‘We are convinced that our joined strengths will benefit the global
automotive industry and governments to accelerate the implementation of
cooperative and highly automated driving vehicles, eventually leading up to
homologation’ Jan van den Oetelaar, CEO, TASS International
‘The American Center for Mobility believes there has to be coordination
between physical testing and simulation for automated vehicles and the
collaboration between these two industry-leading companies embodies that
coordination’ John Maddox, President and CEO, American Center for Mobility.
With over 25 years of history, Applus+ IDIADA is a leading engineering
company providing design, testing, engineering and homologation services to the
automotive industry worldwide. IDIADA has more than 2,100 engineers specialized
in vehicle development drawn from over 28 different countries. Headquartered
near Barcelona, Spain, the company also has an international network of
subsidiaries and branch offices in 25 countries.
TASS International
With over 10 years of history, TASS International offers the transport
industry advanced simulation tools and development services to create safer and
smarter vehicles. TASS International operates a purpose-built facility for the
development, testing and validation of Intelligent Transport Systems and
cooperative driving technologies in the Netherlands. Its software brands
MADYMO, PreScan and Delft-Tyre are familiar names to OEMS and suppliers.
Headquartered in the Netherlands, TASS International supports the global
industry through local offices worldwide.
Photo and Video:
Susana Sanjuan, ssanjuan@kreab.com, T. +34-917027170, M. +34-677946805
Francisco Calderon, fcalderon@kreab.com, T. +34-917027170, M. +34-654642160
Source: Applus+ IDIADA and Tass International
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