Updated by Kyodo News PR Wire(プレスリリース) on December 22, 2016, 17:26 pm JST
Updated by Kyodo News PR Wire(プレスリリース) on December 22, 2016, 17:26 pm JST
AsiaNet 66939(1645)
【ヘルシンキ、北京2016年12月19日PR Newswire】車載用ユーザーインターフェース・ソフトウエアの大手プロバイダーであるライトウェア(Rightware)は19日、オペレーティングシステム(OS)とスマートデバイス・プラットフォーム技術で世界をリードするプロバイダーであるサンダーソフト(Thundersoft)による買収を発表した。この合意は、両社の継続的な発展をサポートする。両社は、急拡大する車載用ソフトウエア業界におけるリーダーとしての地位固めに役立つ成長戦略を構築するとともに、顧客向けにより包括的なソリューションを開発する。ライトウェアは現在の経営陣による独立した企業として存続し、自動車関連業務およびフィンランドへの投資を継続する。買収金額は6400万ユーロ(4億7100万元;6500万米ドル)で、2017年初めに買収が完了する予定。
(Logo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/450675/Rightware_Logo.jpg )
(Logo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/450676/ThunderSoft_Logo.jpg )
ライトウェアの現在の株主構成は、Finnish Industry Investment Ltd、Inventure Fund Ky、Nexit Ventures、現行の経営陣、同社創設者が含まれる。買収金額は6400万ユーロで、2017年前半には買収が完了する予定。ライトウェアは近年急成長を遂げてきた。2016年の売上高は約700万ユーロに達し、年内には黒字を確保する見込み。
Rightware(R)は先進的なユーザーインターフェース技術で市場をリードしており、素早いユーザーインターフェース設計・開発を実現するKanzi(R)ソフトウエア製品ファミリーによって自動車業界およびエンベデッド業界に寄与している。ライトウェアは2015年、デロイトの最も急成長するテクノロジー企業ランキング「Fast 50」に選ばれている。フィンランドのヘルシンキに本社を構え、シリコンバレー、デトロイト、ソウル、東京、上海、ロンドン、ミュンヘンにプレゼンスがある。
北京に本社を置き、深セン証券取引所(300496.SZ)に上場するThundersoftは、モバイル・オペレーティングシステムとスマートデバイス・ソリューションで世界をリードするプロバイダーである。同社はソフトウエアとハードウエアを網羅したフルスタック・エンジニアのリソースを通じ、市場(スマートフォン、タブレット、IoT、自動車、エンタープライズ市場を含む)にソリューションとサービスを提供している。サンダーソフトはオペレーティングシステム(Android、Linux、Windowsなど)、広範なソフトウエアおよびアルゴリズム技術ポートフォリオ、主要な半導体ベンダーとの戦略的提携、世界規模のサポート体制を提供する。こうした資産によって、サンダーソフトは短い開発期間で市場に出せる革新的かつ高品質なスマートデバイスの構築を目指す世界中の顧客にとって重要かつ信頼できるパートナーとなっている。サンダーソフトは中国7カ所に研究開発センターを置き、日本、韓国、米国でグローバルに事業を展開している。詳細はウェブサイトhttp://www.thundersoft.com を参照。
Thundersoftは中国をはじめその他の地域におけるThunder Software Technology Co., Ltd.の登録商標である。
Thundersoft’s Acquisition of Rightware Strengthens Their Leading Positions in the Fast-growing Market for Connected Car Software
HELSINKI and BEIJING, Dec. 19, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ —
Rightware, the leading provider of automotive user interface software,
today announced its acquisition by Thundersoft, the world’s leading provider of
operating systems and smart device platform technology. The arrangement
supports the continued development of both companies – by creating a growth
platform to help secure the top position in the rapidly expanding automotive
software industry, while creating more complete solutions for customers.
Rightware will remain an independent company with its current management and
continued investments in the automotive business and Finland. The deal is worth
64 million Euros (471M RMB; 68M USD) and is expected to be closed in early 2017.
(Logo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/450675/Rightware_Logo.jpg )
(Logo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/450676/ThunderSoft_Logo.jpg )
Rightware was founded in 2009, and the company’s flagship product, Kanzi,
is used by over 20 global automotive brands. Kanzi enables the creation of
digital instrument clusters and infotainment systems that enhance automotive
brands and the overall driving experience. Thundersoft, founded in 2008 and
listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, provides operating system technology and
services globally for the mobile, automotive and IoT markets. This arrangement
advances Rightware to the next chapter in its growth and strengthens its
presence in the global automotive software and connected car market.
"Kanzi is expected to power over 25 million cars by 2022. With Thundersoft,
we can expand this footprint further and support our customers even better. At
Rightware, we take great pride in creating software that shapes the experiences
of millions of drivers across the globe. We see that the specialisation within
the global automotive industry software will continue. This creates a huge
possibility for us to position Kanzi as the industry standard software
solution. The arrangement further strengthens our presence in the growing Asian
automotive market and complements our strong footprint in the European and
American automotive markets. Thundersoft is already an established software
player in the automotive industry and the perfect fit for Rightware.
Thundersoft’s investment in Rightware perfectly demonstrates how Finland can
breed unique knowhow, solutions and technology for global markets, as well as
attract global investments," says Jonas Geust , CEO of Rightware.
With its first overseas acquisition, Thundersoft enters the European market
and further expands its platform technology and services within the automotive
industry. "The automotive market is one of the fastest growing segments for
Thundersoft, and we are providing in-vehicle infotainment and cluster OS
solutions to our customers worldwide. Cars are getting smarter – with rich
applications and fully optimized OS solutions. Rightware has the best user
experience design technology, which will be featured in more connected cars in
the market. In combination with Rightware’s unique technology, design knowhow
and world-class talent, we can bring more value to our customers and transform
the automotive industry with our innovations," says Larry Geng, CEO of
Rightware remains an independent company through its existing brand,
products and focus on the automotive industry. The current Rightware management
will remain and re-invest in the company. Rightware currently employs around 50
professionals and has a 12-month plan to recruit 20 new experts, approximately
half of which are expected to be recruited in Finland.
Rightware’s existing shareholders include Finnish Industry Investment Ltd,
Inventure Fund Ky, Nexit Ventures, the current management and the company
founders. The deal is worth 64 million Euros and is expected to be closed in
early 2017. Rightware has grown rapidly in recent years. Its turnover for 2016
is expected to reach around 7 million Euros, with profitability being reached
by the end of the year.
Additional information:
Rightware pictures:
Thundersoft fact sheet:
About Rightware
Rightware(R) is the market leader in advanced user interface technology,
serving the automotive industry and other embedded industries with its Kanzi(R)
software product family for rapid user interface design and deployment.
Featured on Deloitte’s "Fast 50" list of most rapidly growing tech companies in
2015, Rightware is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland with a presence in
Silicon Valley, Detroit, Seoul, Tokyo, Shanghai, London and Munich.
About Thundersoft
Headquartered in Beijing and listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
(300496.SZ), Thundersoft is a world-leading provider of mobile operating system
and smart device solutions. The company delivers solutions and services to
markets (including smartphone, tablet, IoT, automotive and enterprise markets)
with full-stack engineering resources covering software and hardware.
Thundersoft offers expertise in operating systems (Android, Linux, Windows and
others), a broad software and algorithm technology portfolio, strategic
partnerships with key semiconductor vendors and its global support network.
These assets make Thundersoft a valuable and trusted partner for worldwide
customers aiming to build innovative and high-quality smart devices that can be
launched into the market after short development times. Thundersoft has seven
R&D centres in China, with a global presence in Japan, South Korea and the U.S.
Learn more at http://www.thundersoft.com.
Thundersoft is a registered trademark of Thunder Software Technology Co.,
Ltd. in China and elsewhere.
SOURCE: Rightware
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